Kam Yeon Hee




Meeting Downhill – Quartair Gallery ( Holland- Den Haag )



“ jodle “  - Magic Garden ; KUNST FORUM ( InnsbruckAustria )  / Sound Perfromance by Christian


Born. Korea

505-902 Pruzio A, Gagyeong-dong, Cheongju, Chungbuk, Korea

@mail : kam5757@hanmail.net  Tel: + 82 11 460 5757

Graduated Chungnam National University

Director of theoretical troupe Keumgang

Reporter & Writer role MBC broadcasting company, Buddist Broadcasting company 

Leader of Project Group “ Guddle “

Coordinator of Nine Dragon Heads


Recent Works

Meeting Downhill – Quartair Gallery ( Den Haag, HOLLAND)

Magic Garden – Kunst Forum ( Kramsach, Tirol. AUSTRIA )

Sarajevo winter 2007 – Turkish Culture Center ( Sarajevo, BOSNIA & HERECEGOBINA )

Nine Dragon Heads in Island “Come Ashore” – Cheongju, Korea

Beyond the board – Cheongju Artist Residency

NIPAF – Performance Art Festival, Nagano, JAPAN 


Concept text     

In the year of 1960~70, the period I was born and growed.

Among the living culture in korea there were family prepects for the each family.

The family prepect spok for the family’s philosophy and became spiritual power of enhancing

family member’s harmony, unity and intimacy.

My optimistic father choose live with smile for our family ‘s prepect, and therefore in the center of my life, a topic “ Smile” has always been placed.

My work is to extract the smile from the center of my life.

Trought this exhibition, I want to present smile in the gallery as performance ( behaviour) and give a feeling Korean culture aesthetic